Daily Archives: March 17, 2014



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From Head to Toe Block of the Month (BOM)

I walked into the studio this morning and as it was too cluttered for me to work, I started by folding and putting away some of the fabrics.

P1000975 sewing mess

Then I spied this box of bags on the floor.   These are the BOMs that I want to do this year.   The artist puts together a block for each month, and if one actually gets each one done by the month , one will have a finished top by the end of the year.   Since I am now two months behind, I decided to end the cleaning and start on one of these BOMs.



From Head to Toe A knitter’s Gifts by Denise Russart  is one of the BOMs I planned to do.

head to toe 76x96


I pulled out the fabric and finished the March block as it was straight piecing.

P1000978 a knitters's gifts socks

The February block is applique, so is only pinned together so far.


P1000977 A knitter's gifts hats