Monthly Archives: June 2018




BAD news day

We are praying that God will use this bad news day to His glory.   Our oldest son, J has been undergoing chemo for some time now and the doctor believed they could remove the tumors by surgery.  When they opened him today, they found tumors they were unaware of and since the cancer was more invasive then they thought, they closed him back up and will be doing more chemo.

We had  3 young men here today putting up more fences and doing several hours of weed whacking.   We are starting to get caught up on that, especially since we’ve not had rain to encourage the growth.  We are trying to get animal ready for winter this year BEFORE winter comes,   We are trying to get dry pens ready for rotation yet this summer and breeding in the fall.   This last spring we had a huge mud issue and it hurt our fleeces.  We are aiming to avoid that this year.

I have planted green beans twice this year and now have 6 little plants started.   6 plants out of total of 4 packages is not very good.   I may be visiting the farmers market for my canning needs this year.

There isn’t much more to report since I spent most of my day off my foot and working on a new website.   But I have made terrific friends here and I miss you if I don’t blog.  Therefore, I continue to share my life with you.

Happy Sabbath!



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Vet visit, horns removed

Today was the vet made his visit. The sheep have been given their sleepy injection and the vet (white shirt) is waiting for it to take effect.  My neighbors came over to help separate the sheep.   These sheep are not supposed to have horns, however, they are descendants of Merino sheep who have very large horns.  Therefore, it is not unusual to have small horns called scurs.   The problem here was they were fighting and had broken one.   The other sheep had them growing in such a way that they would eventually have grown into his face.  Not a good thing.  

The vet first sheared around the horn so he could see what he was doing, He then removed the scur and cauterized it.

Because we did not want this trait to be something bred back into these sheep, these boys are no longer able to breed.  They will become lovely fiber pets.  Horns on sheep are full of blood and tissue going down into the sinuses, so it’s a bit of a mess, but fortunately heals well.

  Since I sprained my foot, I am trying to stay off of it as much as possible ( getting even less done now).   So I spent the rest of the day working on my Website class.   One of these days you will see the end results featuring these sheep









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Machine repair

Machine repair #1

Some weeks are not what one expects.   Today, I took the sewing machine I mentioned yesterday in for repair.   It is on contract, so other than losing 2-3 weeks of sewing on it, it is bearable.  It is just my favorite for sewing.  Really I’m thankful, there will be no additional cost for my not catching this problem before it became a problem.

Machine repair #2

Then I picked up the weed whacker that I took in yesterday for repair.   In case you didn’t know, one must use it either at full speed or no speed or the oil doesn’t evaporate properly and clogs the filter.    There is your $30 tip for this week.

Machine repair #3

As long as I had to go the sewing machine store, I took in my felting machine for which the pedal hasn’t been working.   It has not been working at all.  I even had someone else look at it.   No, didn’t work.   Right.   It worked perfectly there.  It is now working at home.

Maybe it’s just me and machines.   We don’t work well together.




Machine troubles

This is the fly wheel of my sewing machine which thread wrapped around because I was not paying attention to that part of the machine = machine troubles.  I spent a considerable amount of time looking for the proper screw driver to take the machine apart and then couldn’t get to the thread that way.  I have one piece not back on, because I need help with that.   Then I took out as much thread as I could with a tiny seam ripper and a targeted flashlight.  Unfortunately with these computer machines, one can’t just back off the fly wheel like we could in the manual types.  I’m not sure how far in the thread can travel and how much trouble it can cause.  So maybe I’ll just have to live without it for a couple weeks and have it serviced.   First I’ll see tomorrow if a neighbor can help with it.



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Putting pieces together – Hunter Star

Putting pieces together  – Hunter Star

Using the above two blocks, I am making one block.
Which becomes one quarter of this block
Here there are two sewn together and you see the flower starting to develop.   I am ready for this step with all the blocks now.
Then I will be creating rows like this and
pressing the seam between blocks open, so the middle of the flowers won’t be bulky.

Last week

Last week was spent in the car.  Somehow we managed to put 6 appointments into one week.   There were eye exams, hearing tests and doctor (on different days) as well as the second stem cell treatment and a chiropractor visit.    I’m going to be careful to not let that happen again – at least not in the near future.   That is all that I got done.   So today, I took the day and sewed and sewed and sewed.   What luxury!  I really hope this week will be a normal week.  Normal is good.



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KnitPicks Felici yarn

Just dropping in to let you know Knitpicks has several new colors and is having a sale on this yarn.
Hopefully you are on the “drop 5# this month” program are doing well.
Yes, I have had to go to appointments everyday this week, but will be back on Monday.
Hope you are enjoying summer



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Warm weather and appointments

16 block hunter star

We are getting warm weather!   Summer has come and I really want to enjoy it.   Plus we have 3 days of appointments this week, so I am planning to take the week off and enjoy it.   If something comes up that I think you’ll enjoy, I’ll pop on my computer and share, but mostly it looks like we will be in the car a lot, driving to appointments.

Hunter Star:   I now have 25 of the 150 blocks I need for the quilt.



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Hunter star update #3

Hunter star update #3:

It is such beautiful weather that it is almost impossible to stay inside and sew.  And this is the forecast for the next 10 days!    I now have 60 of each of these triangles ready to put together to complete a square.

Winter prep

While out shopping today, I did get this refrigerator and microwave for the barn, so now I am ready for baby feedings if we have a mom who can’t for some reason.   I can also keep the medicines in the refrigerator.   There is even room for cold drinks when we are up there working on hot days.



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Sheep paradise after halter tying

Halter tying lambs

Today we had a different, but very good reason to halter tie the lambs.  They needed their last baby shot.   I do not have the skills yet, to hold a very squirmy, escaping, lamb and put the needle in the right place.   When I halter tie them, I eliminate the escaping and if I hold them sideways to the feeder, they don’t have much squirm room either.   So the whole process goes much smoother for both me and the lamb.

Pasture Paradise

I  took  so many photos of them enjoying this.   Here they are coming down the hill from the barn on the right.  They are so excited about the green, they must stop to taste on the way to the pasture.

Some of them have made it to the far side of the nearly dry pond.

After a rest and cud chewing time, they explored even more of the area that we had prepared for them.   When it was time to come in, I had to have the neighbor come over with her border collie and encourage them to come back to the barn, safe from coyotes for the night.   This will soon be routine for them and they will come back easily.



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Immortality. Garage clean-out

Since earthly immortality is out, it was time for a garage clean-out.   You know all those things we save because we might need them someday, etc.   Or the things that we don’t want to deal with.   Today, those things were dealt with.   There will be two 3/4 ton pick-up loads going to the dump in the morning.   One from the garage and one from around the farm.   And that does not include the items which will be recycled.   It was a long, hard day – hard because some things still might have some use.  We will probably go back through this pile in the morning to see if more can be recycled.   But it is out of the garage, which is now amazingly tidy, and not returning. There are still shelves to clean, but one can only deal with so much in one day.   There were so many decisions to be made.