I’m not sure if this is more for me or you. The delectable mountain tutorial was a dry run before I actually cut out my pieces for the quilt.
I started with 8 1/2″ squares cut on the diagonal. In this case I used the same fabric for the light color in each of my blocks. Sew them together and square them up. This I found to be the most crucial step, because somehow when I sewed those large triangles, they didn’t always come out square. So I squared to 8″. (the rest of these photos is using my practice piece)
I put 2 of these new squares together with sides reversed and matching the diagonal line, then cut the 8″ pieces into 4 -2″ pieces and
switched the two outside pieces and then the two inside pieces so they now look like this. Because you have cut two of these squares, one is the reverse of the other and can be put together like this
to complete your mountain. If you have trouble visualizing this, you might want to make two squares and try it out first. It makes more sense once you have done it.
NEWS ITEM: Meet Paco and Pepita, our latest additions
She is white, but she is fresh and not yet dried in this photo.
Meet Kaarsten and Kristie, our two newest family members.
Here are Petunia and Pepe’, our first two who were not expected to survive. Looks like they are doing well.
Our frozen wonderland has made me long for the sewing machine and a new quilt start. Really, I had run out of projects? – no, not really. Just a creative need.
This batch of fat quarters has been hanging around the sewing studio. I have no idea where they came from or when. They are not a grouping that I would have chosen, so they must have chosen me. They needed a purpose and so they are becoming mountains.
I have cut triangles from 8 of these pieces and sewn them together ready to square them up and cut again. Tomorrow, I’ll show you how they are going together.