These were my HIA challenge (Hatched in Africa). We use one of their designs monthly. These are their “velvet birds set 3” It’s not seen on the photos but after embroidered, one cuts some of the threads so they pop up like velvet. They are really cute.

This 8 foot feeder is perfect to feed 6 sheep with much less waste. They don’t like to eat food they’ve been trampling any more than we do. This allows them to keep it for food instead of bedding. I was so happy to get this made and will have more done soon.

These snow people look so happy hanging for the holidays and twinkling away.’
She’s finished and I’m very happy with how this one turned out. My sister did all the little Sunbonnets and I put them together and quilted them. I have not yet labeled it, but that is in its future. I’m linking up to Elm’s street One monthly goal.
After this I went to the barn for a good workout.
Black Friday and I no longer have dates, so I moved on to other things. Did you brave weather and crowds for a special priced item or two? If you did, I’d love to know about it.
100# of apples are now all sauced and about half of that is now finished apple butter. It seems to take longer than I remember it taking a few years ago. Then there was a major cleaning job in the kitchen as I made some of the sauce each of several days without totally cleaning each time. But now all is finished except the applesauce becoming apple butter in the slow cooker.

I was able to move on into the sewing realm. These bowls are coming together one seam at a time. Today I finished half the darts and then moved on
to getting this quilt on the machine. My goal is to get it quilted and maybe finished before the end of the month which is this coming Thursday all ready. Hard to believe isn’t it?
Today, I finished processing the first 60 of 100 pounds of apples. This afternoon, I did rearranging in the barn to get ready for a load of hay, which is supposed to be delivered in the morning. This is not too exciting for most of you. However, having enough hay to get through the winter will be exciting for me.