Monthly Archives: October 2016



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Update on the Croc socks

img_5568pSo much has been happening lately, that I’ve had some time to work on these socks, but not much else.   This morning we had to take one of our guardian dogs to the vet as she hasn’t been eating.    The report so far is that she had a high temperature and the blood work that came back indicated  she has pancreitis. So she will be there at least 2 days.  We are so blessed to have vets who can help us through some of these issues.

The carpet was installed in the rental today as well and the back deck is being put together.    I think I only have to pick up the deck railing and the heaters and I will be done.   The tenants have moved in and they will be wonderful neighbors.

Maybe tomorrow will be normal – I can hope there is still such a thing.



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Boxes quilt flimsy and happy Halloween














I’m trying to decide which way I like these boxes the best.  That might make a difference in how I quilt it.   I’m also wondering if I want to hand quilt or machine quilt.  The finished quilt will be 29 x 33 – a nice sized wall hanging.   Decisions, decisions.  HELP – suggestions very welcome.



I had several boxes of potatoes that were in storage just as they came out of the garden.   It was time to go size sort them and put most of them out in the garage now that it is cool enough.  Yes, we have been eating them – mostly the very large ones however.


This is about 50# that will stay in as we will eat them fairly fast.   I took another 150# out to the garage.


No, none will carved as they are destined for the table in one form or another.   But don’t they look pretty.  I love this color.  The garden was bountiful this year so I’m able to share.


We have new neighbors and this is what their cat thinks of the idea of moving.  It’s just as well she likes staying inside as their are cat eating coyotes all around us.   Cats have to be smart to survive.





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Blessings surround me











Today’s blessing #5    Flowers with fragrance and with a riot of color.    The roses are still blooming and this one has a lovely fragrance, though because it was planted by someone else, I don’t know it’s name.    The Dahlias are completing with the red blueberries leaves that have their autumn color, the green grapes and the lavender.

Blessing #4:   Mary and her grandson came over for a short visit.  Tristan is 10 months now and enjoyed seeing the sheep and dogs.


Blessing #3:  2/3rd of the garden is now covered with straw.  We need another beautiful day to get finished, but the bulk is done.


Blessing #2:  3 tons of fresh hay in the barn for this winter.  I love the smell of hay and I am so thrilled to be able to get it into this barn this year.   It brings back so very many good memories.


Blessing #1:  Sheep to feed.  Yes, I love the sheep as well, even when they are having trouble obeying.

These are a few of the many blessings that I am enjoying today.   Plus, the Sabbath is starting, so a whole day of rest is ours.  I pray that each one of you is likewise blessed.








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Table runner – gift wrapped in blue and gold


At long last, this table runner, Gift wrapped, saw some action today.   It has been quilted and will have to wait for the binding.   My aim is to have it finished is December.



The carpet has now been purchased and will be installed Monday, October 31st.   It is the last of the interior parts that I need to get done.   We will wait for at least a half week of dry weather before we can get the outside of the house painted.    It would be so helpful to me if the candy and other snacks were not placed right where I have to wait to be checked out.   It is no wonder the citizens of this country and getting wider and wider.





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Rain, rain, rain,


Fencing needs to go just to the left of this photo, beside those blackberries.   I had a man out this morning and we walked the upper pasture to see where fencing, gates, etc. will need to be put before putting dogs or sheep here.   We really don’t want to lose either.   He walked and measured and in a day or more, we will hear the price.   But it has to be done and we are no longer able to all the various jobs we need done.  So we do what we can and hire the rest.

img_5544This was the weather today, rain, rain, rain, rain, all day long.  (But that’s what keeps Washington state green)    It was very gray, so I spent time catching up on the last three day’s emails and a very small bit of knitting.


Later in the day,  we went to Lowe’s to get the wood for the dining room, kitchen, and laundry room of the rental.  Because of our often gray days, I like to keep everything in the house as light as possible.  So this is the wood we chose.





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Lambs, lambs, and more lambs


Three new ewe lambs are having trouble posing for a photo.   They are not yet tame enough to let me get close to them without a fence between us and even then, they weren’t sure.


8 Ewe lambs 2016, photographed together, so you can see a color difference.   Next year there should be some browns added.


Two months ago, this little ram lamb, Zillow, would not let me get near him.   Now, he follows me around hoping for an animal cracker.  I keep an eye on where he is at all times, though, because soon he will discover his true calling.   Then he could be dangerous.


I love walking down this side of the pasture toward the barn.   It is especially pretty with the fallen leaves.  But then again, it is pretty in every season.   I am so happy to have it back.


Today, it was still chilly at noon,  it was great to have turnips, potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, and Swiss chard from the garden.   Combined, they made a great soup.   I think we will be having soup frequently this winter.


The day finally warmed up and was dry enough that we were able to finish the garlic planting in the upper right corner of this photo.  We pulled weeds and laid straw for the winter.   I still need to finish this bed and take care of the other beds the same way.   We found big, fat juicy worms when pulling weeds, which indicates the soil is improving.  The green in the middle is the carrots.  We will pull them as we need them throughout the winter.   I have more garlic, but not for this bed.

It has been a very good day.






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Shopping until I nearly dropped

Today was shopping day.  DH & I first went to the gym, then purchased paint for the house and some groceries, after which we came home for lunch.   Ah, but I forgot the fellows were working on the water purifying system and there was no water.   OK, there were potatoes and carrots in the refrigerator that had been washed and there was tofu.   So going with what we had, we baked potatoes and carrots and sautéed tofu and went without the salad.     After that the new neighbor and I went to find some essentials.   We found a stove at Sears Outlet, and 2 toilets at Lowe’s.   She took samples of carpet and flooring home to decide with which she would be happier.   I came home in time to feed the animals, make supper and drop.



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A whirlwind day with house and sheep


What a whirlwind day this has been.   This house has to be painted, carpeted, some flooring, new toilets, new baseboard heaters, one shower, and a stove put in.  The decks have to be redone as well.   It has been rented as of November 1st, so we don’t have much time to get it all done.  We lost two weeks with one contractor and now are hiring subs ourselves.  Oh, yes, and the former people left lots of clean up  – furniture and garbage to dispose of.   Today was a great day, all the painting prep has been done on the inside img_5522aand this 8 x 8 deck is nearly done.   Just half of a board on the right and the steps put back in place.  Then it can be stained.   Tomorrow, I go shopping for the other items we need.   But wait!  That’s not enough excitement for one day.


img_5520aThis is our new little ram who now has 2 girl friends

img_5521aAnd these two girls are in with a previously purchased ram.  Aren’t they beautiful?  Tomorrow, I will show you the 3 ewe lambs that also came, as I didn’t get a photo before sundown.  Nor did I take a photo of a truck some one graciously left here for a week, so we can dispose of what isn’t needed.





Mock Croc socks and a busy day


img_5516a Mock Croc socks – a Knit Picks pattern by Susan Lawrence, has been started.   Actually, they were cast on two weeks ago.   But life has been very busy around here and I haven’t worked on them much – just a row here and there.  No, they will not be done by the end of the month.   There are just too many projects calling my name.   I chose this pattern because  it looks like both the pattern and the changing colors will work well together and it won’t be another plain pattern which does get boring.

In addition to two rows today, there was a doctor’s appointment and then filling the car again for a run to the  dump.  We thought they closed at 5,  in fact it  is 4.30.   We were the last car in and I am so glad that stinky stuff doesn’t have to sit in the car until Sunday.  The “car” is an older station wagon that we keep as a “farm wagon”.   The poor thing hauls very thing from animals, to animal feed, to garbage and still maintains a good attitude.  When ” old faithful” finally gives up, it will have earned a celebration of life.   After that run, it will take the recycling to the recycle place.

  Have a blessed Sabbath and safe weekend.




Tomatoes, kale, and New lambs

img_5509Tomatoes are having a bit of confusion this year.   It often freezes around October 15, but look at all those new sprouts – they are volunteer tomatoes.   Of course, eventually, we will get a freeze and they will all go down, but what a strange time to be sprouting.


This is the kale we planted last spring.   It has been giving all summer and still going strong.   We have planted new kale, but I’ll show that after it has been thinned out some.  I’ve not kept up with the garden or much of anything lately like I would have liked to.    But we did get all the hazardous waste – paint, chemicals, etc. in the trunk of one car to get it to the proper place on Sunday.  We filled the trunk, so will be using the other car until it is emptied and aired out.

img_5513aThese are the “new lambs on the block”.   These brown ones, Zoe and Zola,  were born April 14 and have just arrived.  It’s fun to watch how quickly they realize they are in with other lambs and warm right up to each other and still they are closer to their siblings when they come together.


Here is another photo of all 5 of the ewe lambs so far.   3 more are expected next week.   Then we’ll sit tight for the winter and let them grow up.   The brother to the little black one on the left is in another pen with a ewe.    Just can’t take a chance.