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Small things take big time


img_0143sToday was a good day to get small stuff done that I keep putting off.  I had 10 things on my list and all but one is completed.

These are the sun chokes also known as Jerusalem artichokes that I have had on my list for a month to check.  They are best dug after a good frost or two.   I planted them in large pots as I was warned they could take over.  It is difficult to get all the little pieces out.   So today I dug through one of the pots and brought in a large bowl of them, scrubbed them well and then sliced them to add to our salad.   They are a high protein, high potassium food with a taste somewhere between raw potatoes and water chestnuts.

Then I checked on the water chestnuts and they are too small.   Next year, I’ll have to find a larger tub to plant them in.   They are only the size of a dime and I’d like them bigger.

I put more salt out for the sheep and brought more hay down from the barn.

I reconciled our bank accounts and filed receipts.

I have my lists made that I want to get done in the coming year.  A list for each:   sewing, quilting, knitting, embroidery and there are things that aren’t on those lists because I just have too many things to be able to do in one year.   So I just put the things on the list I think I can get done.  They are under the heading 2017 Construction goals (at the top)


Then I weeded the front, which now looks rather bare and needs some nice summer color spots.

I watered the greenhouse and by the time one adds making a couple meals and sweeping the floors into the day, it – the day- is basically gone.  So though it seems I didn’t get anything done, I was busy all day.   So that must be what happens to other days when I come to the end and wonder where they went.   They went to “small” things that need doing.


Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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