Daily Archives: December 7, 2016



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A wee visitor

img_0015sA wee little visitor and his grandmother came to visit me today on his 11 month birthday.   Mary and I had a marvelous visit as usual, but with Tristan we did not do any sewing or other crafts.  We mostly entertained him for the afternoon – or maybe it was the other way around as he pulls himself up and walks around things now.  I’m going to have to create a “safe zone” for him in the sewing area before we can work there again.


img_0014aI finished freezing all the peppers we picked last week and these crisp, carrots were brought in out of the garden today.   It was 20 degrees when we got up this morning and the weatherman is promising the next 10 days to be freezing – at least during the night.   It is wonderful to have fresh food that will stay in the ground until you need it.