Monthly Archives: September 2014


gluten-free cookng

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Gluten-free meals – Sept 7

Breakfast:   Oatmeal,    banana, strawberry, blueberry, almond smoothie

Lunch:  Potato salad and baked beans  plus strawberries

Dinner:   hummus with chips, split pea soup

The soup had split peas, onions, celery, garlic, bay leaves and salt.



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Work and play

I started early because the grandsons were coming for a trip to the beach.    I did work some on the pillowcases and caught up (mostly) on emails.    I must be on too many groups as reading just what I think is important email takes me long enough.

P1020186 peppers

These peppers and some onions were cut up and the peppers went on trays to fast freeze in the freezer while we were gone.   When we returned, they were placed and sealed in freezer bags.   (when I open a bag of strawberries or other food, I cut the bag on the seal line so I can wash and re use the bag.  The peppers are now stored in bags that had strawberries in July.

P1020188 Jen n boys at Lake Tapps

It was such a lovely day that Mt Rainier shows clearly in the distance.



The boys had a great time in the water and then came out to warm up, while their mother and I had a good visit.     Then it was home for lunch and they asked to play a board game – too hot outside.

P1020197 Chineese checkers

 Do you remember this game?   It was new to the boys.   My parents had it early in their marriage,  I believe it is older than I am by a little bit.   Jen and I taught the boys how to play.    Spencer picked up the idea rapidly.   After a game and some strawberry shortcake, they went home, and we went back to work.


gluten-free cookng

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Celiac meals – Sept 6

Breakfast:   *Pancakes with maple syrup and smoothie (blueberry, apple, banana with prescribed supplements)

Lunch:  Potato salad, baked white beans,, tossed salad plus strawberries

Supper:    Banana ice cream    made with frozen bananas, raw Cocoa and almond milk

*Pancakes – my own recipe.

  • 1 cup Bob’s Red Mill non-gluten all purpose flour
  • 1 cup nut milk – I used almond
  • 1/2 teas salt
  • 1 T honey
  • 1 T baking powder

Stir all together and pour on non stick griddle at 350.  The first batch I made came out thin, more like crapes.

Then I added 1/2 t of Xantham gum to the remaining half of the batter and they came out like we are used to our pancakes being.   DH was quite happy with both of these types.





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Another sock finish

P1020175 stripped socks

These socks are now finished and I’m looking at the next yarn


gluten-free cookng

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Celiac meals – Sept 5

We spent a couple hours at the health food store looking at what fun foods might be available that were also vegan and gluten-free.   Not a lot, but we did find a Daiya Pizza that looks good, two types of patties and mostly high priced crackers and other “treats”

And I did spend a considerable amount of time looking for bread and muffin recipes on the internet that were gluten-free and vegan.    It wasn’t very encouraging.

Breakfast:  Cooked oat bran, bananas, 1/2 apple, blueberries.

Lunch:  Finished the Quinoa, rice with green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers,

Dinner:  Potatoes with hummus for dressing and pinto beans



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Studying, sewing, and peppers

As you can see, I now have the 4 bottom rows put together.   I haven’t had a much time as I have been doing a lot of research on recipes for favorite foods no longer on the Celiac menu.

P1020187 vstars of honor

There I stopped as these peppers were calling me.   They are washed and several chopped and on the dehydrator.   A huge pan of them is cut, deseeded, and sitting in the refrigerator until Sunday when I will finish them.   The plan is to freeze them so they will be easy to add to salsa and it can be put together as we need it.

P1020186 peppers








gluten-free cookng

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Gluten free – Sept 4

Breakfast was Bob’s Red Mill Oatmeal with bananas and blueberries.

Lunch was black beans over rice with salad

Dinner was yesterday’s casserole by special requests plus hummus on gluten free crackers.



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Stars of Honor

This whole day felt like “the morning after”.    However, I did get some work done on this Stars of Honor BOM today

P1020185 stars of honor

I still have the top and bottom rows to put together and then sew the rows together.   The plan is to finish the top by the end of next week.    Of course there are many other items contending for the time.  But I do know that if I have a project and all the parts laid out where I don’t have to look for anything to complete it, it usually gets done in a reasonable time.     So I need to go through the other things that I want to make and be sure that all the components are in one place.   Sometimes just looking for the pattern stalls me.

September!    Do you  realize that we are nearing the Christmas season again.   Time is once again flashing by.  I really need to sew more clothes for the dolls for the giving tree and get the pillowcases done and I have fleece for more baby hats in purple, and some quilts to make.    How are you doing?



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Adrenal gland workout

Warning!   Mostly  chatter.

1.  This day started with an appointment to see the ENT as I have an off and on sore throat – very mild and maybe a couple times a week.  Because of the length of time, I was urged to go see him since 15 years ago I had vocal cord cancer which was removed with surgery.    The good news is that he said there was not even any sign that there had been cancer and he thinks that the soreness if creeping up from possible arthritis in the cervical vertebrae.   Now I would probably not have gone, except that when they did discover the cancer, the reason I went to the doctor was something equally dumb.   I simply could no longer sing in church.   My voice wouldn’t cooperate.   So I went feeling very stupid about going, but finding the cancer early was a great idea.     So this visit was good news.

2. I was cleaning out the pantry so there would not be any tempting gluten products there.   I found a bag of flour opened but not completely used before the heat hit.    I quit making bread when it was too hot.   Guess who moved in?   The grain moths just couldn’t miss this opportunity.  When I opened the bag, I didn’t close it fast enough to avoid any escaping moths.   Beside which, I think some had already left the nest as I have seen one every other day for the past week.    I should have known.   After escorting the rest of them outside and dumping the flour, I went through most of the rest of the pantry (still have lower shelves to go).  I found a few of the escapees and wiped everything down.   Then put up some traps  which REALLY work.   They send out the same pheromones the females too and attract the males.   The ones I put up last year were full, so up went 3 more.   (There are different brand names)

P1020178 m9th trap

And here is what they look like when in use.   The little fellows go inside and get stuck to the sticky sides of the tent.

P1020177 trap open

3.  I went to get some meat out of the dog chest freezer which sits outside and found it had thawed out – but not completely.  So with somewhere between 4-500 pounds of dog bones and meat from the hunter scraps last year, I did not want to lose it.   It comes packed in  banana boxes and I usually take a box out at a time and repackage it to put in the indoor freezer for them.   Then I can take a couple days worth out at a time to thaw.    PANIC button push time!  I took a box of scraps inside, repackaged it and put in freezer, but now that freezer was full.   I figured that temporarily I could put enough packages of bones in the garage freezer to save another two boxes of bones, so  drove the car around to do so.   DH showed up about then to help me.  By this time there was enough water in the bottom of the freezer that the bottom of the boxes came unglued.   We packaged the bones in grocery plastic bags, tied them shut and loaded them in the back of the car.    Then we found that the outlet wasn’t working,   So I went around, found all the GFIs and reset them.   The freezer came back on.   So we reloaded the freezer from the back of the car.    It may be that the freezer was dying and tripped the GFI.   If that is the case, I will go to the used appliance store and replace it in the morning.  It could also be that something else tripped the GFI.

Now you know why I use adrenal support supplements.




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Knitter’s Gifts Scarf

P1020184 scarf finished Knitters gifts.

The scarf is now finished!   I know I thought I could get it done before the end of August, but that just didn’t happen.  However, it is finished now and I can move on.