Daily Archives: September 7, 2014


gluten-free cookng

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Gluten-free meals – Sept 7

Breakfast:   Oatmeal,    banana, strawberry, blueberry, almond smoothie

Lunch:  Potato salad and baked beans  plus strawberries

Dinner:   hummus with chips, split pea soup

The soup had split peas, onions, celery, garlic, bay leaves and salt.



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Work and play

I started early because the grandsons were coming for a trip to the beach.    I did work some on the pillowcases and caught up (mostly) on emails.    I must be on too many groups as reading just what I think is important email takes me long enough.

P1020186 peppers

These peppers and some onions were cut up and the peppers went on trays to fast freeze in the freezer while we were gone.   When we returned, they were placed and sealed in freezer bags.   (when I open a bag of strawberries or other food, I cut the bag on the seal line so I can wash and re use the bag.  The peppers are now stored in bags that had strawberries in July.

P1020188 Jen n boys at Lake Tapps

It was such a lovely day that Mt Rainier shows clearly in the distance.



The boys had a great time in the water and then came out to warm up, while their mother and I had a good visit.     Then it was home for lunch and they asked to play a board game – too hot outside.

P1020197 Chineese checkers

 Do you remember this game?   It was new to the boys.   My parents had it early in their marriage,  I believe it is older than I am by a little bit.   Jen and I taught the boys how to play.    Spencer picked up the idea rapidly.   After a game and some strawberry shortcake, they went home, and we went back to work.