Daily Archives: September 4, 2014


gluten-free cookng

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Gluten free – Sept 4

Breakfast was Bob’s Red Mill Oatmeal with bananas and blueberries.

Lunch was black beans over rice with salad

Dinner was yesterday’s casserole by special requests plus hummus on gluten free crackers.



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Stars of Honor

This whole day felt like “the morning after”.    However, I did get some work done on this Stars of Honor BOM today

P1020185 stars of honor

I still have the top and bottom rows to put together and then sew the rows together.   The plan is to finish the top by the end of next week.    Of course there are many other items contending for the time.  But I do know that if I have a project and all the parts laid out where I don’t have to look for anything to complete it, it usually gets done in a reasonable time.     So I need to go through the other things that I want to make and be sure that all the components are in one place.   Sometimes just looking for the pattern stalls me.

September!    Do you  realize that we are nearing the Christmas season again.   Time is once again flashing by.  I really need to sew more clothes for the dolls for the giving tree and get the pillowcases done and I have fleece for more baby hats in purple, and some quilts to make.    How are you doing?