Monthly Archives: September 2014



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Life changing day

Yes, I did get the heels turned in this pair of socks as I was canning two more canners full of different kinds of beans.   I even knitted a bit more after taking the photo.

P1020163 socks turned heel

However, the big life changer was the call from the doctor, stating that yes, my husband has celiac disease – confirmed from the results of his blood tests – something both of us hoped would not be the case.   However, it is good to know what the problem is and what we can do about it.   The doctor prescribed supplements to build his body and the test will be repeated in a year.

So  I spent a good part of the rest of the day, clearing out the pantry, looking for recipes, etc.    This really sounds a bit silly because we don’t use that much gluten anyway – or so I thought.   We eat mostly vegetables and fruits.   But there are certain food items he really likes that I will have to find a substitute for as shortcake for under the strawberries, pretzels (that don’t cost $7.99/bag), pizza, pasta and pancakes.    I think those are the big ones, and that isn’t too many .   But gluten hides in many other products, so we will be very carefully reading labels.  I’ll concentrate on finding new recipes.      If any of you have super tasting vegan, gluten free recipes, I’d love to try them.   In the meantime, it is off to Google to see what I can find.




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More canning and a friend

P1020172 mary and hats

Today I was honored to have a friend come over and keep me company while I continued to can more beans.    It takes about 10 minutes for the cooker to start steaming, 10 minutes of steaming and then I can put the cap on and wait for the pressure to get up to 11#  another  10-15 minutes..   I wait there for 45 minutes, watching the heat carefully as it likes to fluctuate on this stove, and then let it reduce pressure to zero – another half hour.     So the  actual pressure canning part takes up to 2 hours per load of 10 pints.   Since I spend a good amount of time checking the stove, it was super nice to have a friend over to visit.  We shared food, knitted, caught up on life, and enjoyed the wonderful ping, ping,  ping of the jar lids sealing.

P1020174 canned beans

 I think I’ll do a couple more loads of beans in the morning and then wait until later in the month to do the soups .   The boxes on the right on the floor are for the beans I’ll be doing in the morning and later soups.

Then there will be jams, salsa, and ??? still to do.   I’d like to do pears, but I don’t know yet if I will get them.    This, for me, is the busiest time of the year as I like to be ready for winter, with all the harvest put away.