


Yarn day

IMG_4867Remember these socks.  The toes were shot, so I just ripped them back to where the toe decreases started.  Then they sat for the longest time.  I looked for the original yarn but it has been a long, long time and I didn’t find it.

IMG_4908I really love these socks and yes, they are a bit worn, but I added new toes – who will see them in the shoes – and now they will take me through some more years.

IMG_4905For those who don’t know, this is called a “swift”.   Yarn that comes in hanks must be made into “cakes” or balls  to use it.

IMG_4906I usually put an empty toilet paper tube on the winder before winding as it is easier to pull off.

IMG_4907These balls were 100g so approximated the size, then weighed them.  I was hoping for 40 and 60 oz balls out of each hank.   I usually have a some left over and am hoping that it will be in one piece for whatever I choose to make.    I am now ready to knit the next three pair of socks -think 3 months or more with canning season slowly starting.

Then it was off to get some items at the grocery store and to bring my sewing machine back from the “hospital”.   Now both of them are home again and I trust in good working condition.

2 Responses

  1. jatshaw says:

    Good work on the sock save! Looks like you have some pretty ones coming up soon. Love the colors!

    • sharon says:

      Thank you I’m not sure how soon, as summer is here, I think. That means more garden and canning time. But the yarns are pretty. It sits here to tempt me. What are you working on?