Our morning visitors today. I had no idea what this little fellow was. His head is raspberry color. He is a purple finch. Our most frequent visitors are goldfinch and black headed grosbeak.
I was able to get the rest of these “trees” done
before we went to check out an assisted living place. I will admit that we were a bit bribed to come see it.
It is good to take a look at where one could live some day. You have incentive to stay active now. I thought he was acting interested, so when we got back into the car
She said: Does living in a small apartment like that interest you?
He said: I want to stay where we are. What is wrong with where we are? If we get old, we could get someone like visiting angels to come in and help us.
She said: Nothing is wrong with here for now, but what if something happened to me and you were alone, then what?
He said: I’d stay in this house where we are.
She said: But you don’t cook or clean, so you wouldn’t be able to stay here. My brother is very good at cleaning and can cook.
He said: I can clean and I can cook oatmeal and split pea soup. What would you do?
She said: Not much different from what I do now which is the cooking, cleaning and anything else that needs to be done.
He said: Who would want to live in a place like that?
I just gave up as it was getting too funny. Yes, he can clean after it is pointed out that help is needed. And he gets credit for all dishwashing. But it’s easier to just let me do the cooking and cleaning.
So, apparently it is all decided, no one is going anywhere. Help (when we get old) will have to come in. (still laughing – is that why we have spouses – for humor)
Our prayers arise those affected by all these deaths. I found a book on Amazon, called Esau Rising by Bill Cloud, which gives Biblical prophecy and explanation for all this bloodshed that we are seeing.
We have worked hard this week are ready to celebrate creation and the Creator – Happy Sabbath.