Today I woke up thinking of all the things I wanted to get done, then I remembered, that’s not the important thing. I didn’t get my list done, but I pray God’s list was achieved. And I am thankful for a large garden and the work involved because of it, especially when I remember those who don’t eat 3 meals a day. I count my blessings and ask to be a blessing to others. These are 16 pints of green beans for the coming winter from the 7# picked yesterday.

The Sew Fun this week was put on by Lana Jones. She comes up with ideas in her sleep – of which she doesn’t need much. These 3 signs used sticky metallic paper on boards and mounted denim. Aren’t they cute?
Using a piece of tile that she found at Lowes, she put metallic paper on these “rocks”. And they did look like flat rocks. This is such a wonderful way to give a little inspirational gift.
These are made of “Ice Resin” a product to pour in molds. These would make lovely jewelry or nice for key chains.
The animals at the top come with stuffing in a bag that can be removed from both the body and the head to make it easy to embroider. The two bags below them were from a pattern book “Sew Useful” by Debbie Shore. There were several items in that book to help you make storage items for the home.
The black dress and the dress with the green skirt were from “Sew Pretty T Shirt Dresses” Simple little dresses that start with a recycled or purchased T shirt in the child’s size. This would be a terrific gift for the busy mom or grandmother to sew.
This is where she caught me. I loved this lightweight jacket you see in peach and black. And it can be made totally on the serger. So I will be looking for fabric to make this.
This book also had some fun projects and the items in this book have both the patterns you can cut out or if you have a Accuquilt, they have a die by Edyta Sitar to make them.
This “Buddy Blanket Bear” has only a stuffed head, so if a young child likes to take a huggie to bed, one could either hand or machine embroider on the open skirt.
It was a very good Sew Fun, well worth my time. And there were several more items that didn’t really catch my attention. All I need is time for some of the projects that I all ready have, then I can take on some new ones.
After I got home, I had company. I did not get all my steps in, but will get them all in by the end of the week.
After all this, I took a brief rest on the deck. Isn’t this a lovely view? It was such a pretty day. Tomorrow will be more garden time and maybe zucchini bread baking. Don’t hold your breath on that though.