Daily Archives: July 17, 2016



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Hoop house progress

IMG_4915In the bare spot down the row, I removed the cauliflower which wasn’t doing much and planted lettuce, carrots, and beets.

IMG_4916This is the bottom of a bug of some sort caught in a web.  He was about an inch long and one I had not seen before.

IMG_4917A big job today was tying up the bell peppers.   I was waiting for someone to string the wire to tie them to, but that hasn’t happened, so I used what was there from tomatoes last year.

IMG_4918It looks like there will be many peppers this year.   I really like to freeze them so I’m not paying $4.00 a pound or more.

IMG_4919I thought these were pickling cukes, but they are fuzzy on the outside, so will wait and see what they become.

IMG_4920The sweet potatoes are doing their best to over run the place.   They are excellent competition for the tomatoes.  I had no idea, they would do that.

IMG_4922The tomatoes have hit the top, so maybe they will come back down now.   I’m picking a handful of cherry tomatoes nearly every day.   And volunteers are still springing up.  It’s so hard to treat them like the weeds they have become.IMG_4925IMG_4923IMG_4924

new planting of carrots                                                           new basil


new parsley coming up

IMG_4927larger tomatoes getting color


Will have to do another planting of kale soon

IMG_4929more lettuce and beets coming up – planted two weeks ago.

I spent the morning in the hoop house taking care of neglected weeds

and doing some replanting.   Then it was out to the front to pull more weeds




It’s getting very shady here, but we came back from Lowe’s with some pretty petunias for a nice  spot of color, after which we took a break and then watered everything.