I took the zucchini plants out of the hoop house and planted lettuce in its place. It should be ready just in time to hold throughout the winter.
The big garden now has some empty spaces from where the first potatoes, the onions and the garlic were planted. No, I’m not coördinated enough to have planted something else there this year.
The freezer is defrosted and now has a some empty shelves for this year’s food. (blueberries and strawberries are already in there).
I made 5 qts of zucchini soup and put 4 in the freezer, then made some no oil, vegan zucchini bread. It turned out quite good so am on the hook to make several more loaves tomorrow and try to find a zucchini patty recipe that we like.
And there was a bit of time for some sewing. 25 of the 48 blocks are now up.