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Dreamweaver blocks

IMG_5014It is a bit warmer today, but I’m not going to complain as I remember too well, what the cold days feel like.   Instead after the produce harvest this morning, I spent some time in my studio which is a cooler basement area creating a few more blocks.

The harvest today was enough beets for lunch (I’ll be preserving some next week).   So lunch consisted of lemon over beets, green beans with onions, potatoes, and corn on the cob.   With this garden we are eating like kings.   I didn’t take photos today as you know what these foods look like.

I tried to braid the onions, but WOW, they have such thick stems, it was not a neat and easy job.   I need someone to teach me that trick.   But these will do for this year.

We also took a care package of some fresh produce to our daughter who lives locally and included some Swiss chard in it.

We even had a Siesta time.   The difference is in Mexico, the hottest part of the day is the middle, here we are far enough north, the hottest part is 5-6 PM.   So we don’t take it at the hottest part of the day.  Tomorrow is our special day and we may spend the afternoon in the studio or guest room as they are the coolest.  Lunch will be very similar to what we had today.  Supper is leftovers or a sandwich in the heat.  Otherwise it would be soup.

We pray a blessed Sabbath for each of you.

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