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Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries

P1010858 berry boxes

Having decided I have lots of energy (must keep telling self this), I ordered 150# of the best organic strawberries.   150# is 15 full flats.   We picked them up at 10 this morning and have been working on them.  I washed and stemmed and he cut and packed into the vacuum bags.

P1010860 stemming

We did take a quick lunch break and then right back to working on the berries until 6 this evening.   We now have about 110# in the freezer, vacuum packed in smaller quantities. The rest are either in our stomachs or in the refrigerator waiting until morning.   I’ll put 4 batches in the freezer with just the quantity for the jam recipe.   That will probably take most of the rest.    I’ll leave a few out for eating.

These will be oh, so good, this winter and will remind us that summer will soon be here again.

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