Daily Archives: June 9, 2014



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New babies


P1010701roosters on guard

Bantams  at the age of 4 months already trying out their crowing sounds.   It is rather funny listening to them learning the crow.

P1010702 new baby

A still wet baby arrived and the mothers are co-parents.   They shared setting duties and now the baby will be under one for awhile and then the other.   There are 3 more eggs, so maybe each mom will get her own baby.  Can you see the bantam mom in the back and the baby nearer to her?   The eggs were from large chickens.

P1010746 first baby arti

The other baby is an artichoke.   I don’t know if it will grow larger or when the time to pick is so will wait and watch.  I’m sorry, somehow I hit the gray setting on the camera.

The weeds grew so fast when the warm weather came, that we hired two fellows from the high school (couldn’t get them before school year ended).   So they spent 7 hours here today with half of that cleaning out the chicken house and the other weed eating the weeds between the garden boxes.   I’ll get a photo of that when the sun is shining.   We zonked out today.