Daily Archives: June 18, 2014



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Baby quilt rows

P1010815 laying out baby quilt

We are starting now to sew this quilt together.   Label each of the top blocks with a consecutive number.   I suggest pinning it on as you need to visit it several times.   A perfect 1/4″ is always nice, but in this case since they are all squares, having the same size seam whether it be a tad less or a tad more is more important.

P1010840 even sewn tog

Starting at the top of row one, pick up each block on the way down.   You will now have a pile of #1.   Do this for each of the numbers you created.

P1010834 col 1 & 2

Lay column one and column 2 side by side in front of you.   ALWAYS pick them up the same way, in my case, I lay #2 block on top of block #1 and sew down the right side.    Be consistent so you know where you are.    When these are all sewn together, keeping them in the same order, cut them apart.

P1010835 string sewing

P1010838 cut apart

I chain sew them and then lay them out to cut them apart.   Do this with columns 3 and 4, sewing them together.  Repeat for columns 5 and 6, then 7 and 8, then 9 and  10.    You will not use row 11 just yet.

P1010841 sew 3 to 4

Now sew columns (1+2) to (3+4)   Again cut apart keeping in the original order.   Each group will have 4 blocks.  Sew columns (5+6) to (7+8) and columns 9+10 to the block #11.    This is a good time to put them back on the design wall to be sure you still have them in the correct order.   If you are happy with them, you can finish putting the three groups together and take off the labels.

P1010842 rows sewn

They will look like this.   Tomorrow, we will talk about pressing and sewing these rows together.