I have been buying venison scraps and bones for the dogs for the past two years. Yesterday, we picked up the last 400 pounds of bones that we will get and there are no more scraps. The butcher will no longer be processing the deer from the hunters as he has gained bigger contracts. I loved getting the meat from him because it was obviously organic. This freezer – which sits outside the back door under cover, I purchased from Craigslist for $50 makes it possible to store so much meat.
Today was a day for resting and reading, restoring the body and soul We also had a bit of thunder, heavy rain and beautiful sunshine. The sun and rain alternated throughout the day.
When evening comes the outside residents are waiting for us to open the back door. They come running to the place where they can join us on our walk down to the night time quarters – they, on one side of the wire, we on the other side. I feel like part of a parade. They run inside their own pens for a night time treat and to be locked safely away from predators. And we go back into the our house ready to end another day.