Daily Archives: June 1, 2014




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Mother Earth News Fair

This is a terrific fair!    I always learn so much about living without making such a big footprint.  Come with me as I share with you a few of the photos I did remember to take.  I usually forget to take photos when I am so enjoying the moment

First of all there were the organic seed companies which I enjoy perusing.

This was the first time I’ve seen a freeze drying machine which could have been all mine for “only” $4000.00.

P1010627 in home freeze drier

And of course there were the chocolate and other food companies displaying their latest temptations

P1010628 choc

We saw a variety of composting toilets much improved from the old “out house”

P1010629 composting toilet

Soft hot tubs and I can only guess that this way of living is going to make one’s muscles need soaking.   But when would one have the time?


There were lovely folding shopping bags for when one would make a shopping trip — not often because most of this show is geared to “backs to the land”


These women are promoting the North American Wool Association

P1010642 Washington wool assn

LOOK!   these are the baby Cormo lambs I purchased a month ago.   The Association  wanted some Cormos on display so my babies were happy to oblige.


I had not seen sisal made into rope before and this man was demonstrating how it was made 100 years ago.


P1010636 making rope from sisal as done 100 years ago

It’s always fun to have period costumes when one is doing a craft that once was a necessity.

P1010635 long time ago

Although the fair had so many other things as trees and bees and soaps and books and a myriad of marvelous things to see,  I leave you with the delighted  look on the face of my daughter who was a 4H-er for many years

P1010652 Kati and baby goatsas she looks at these pygmy goat kids.

P1010646 baby goats