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Fir Island

We took the day for an outing and went to Conway, Washington, particularly Fir Island  This is a major wintering spot for Trumpeter and Tundra Swan as well as the Snow Goose.   The state Fish and Wildlife has an area set aside so these birds will not be bothered.   This area also attracts many other birds.   I believe the sign said they have sighted more than 100 varieties.P1010580


P1010591 fir lsland


In addition to checking that out, (of course we found out about this island too late for wintering birds to still be there) we drove around the small island and took in the sights.  Most of the island is in food crops.  I was surprised to see the name of the company from where we get our organic strawberries  has their farm there.  They do Sunday market here in town, so I didn’t think about them being on the island.    So here are some views of the very beautiful land.







It appears someone wanted to remember the old country with the pile of rocks and a pretend goat.

P1010590 fake goat

And yes, we were happy to be in a small car when we had to turn around in a place that didn’t expect one to have to turn around.  I had to get out and direct as the car barely fit the road.   Deep drainage ditches were on each side.

P1010584 tight turn

p1010586 tight turn

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