Daily Archives: May 19, 2014



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Garden revisited May 19

The rain we were suppose to get today didn’t happen.  But it was cloudy and cool. – good gardening weather.   The beds have been cleaned out, so we are concentrating on filling them, and then we will address the issue of the banks between the beds which are filled with weeds.

This is the strawberry bed which did not get enough attention last year, so after it is through giving its fruit, we will take the runners and fill the bed on the other side of the aisle.


Bill is repairing one of the boxes that wanted to  slide on down the hill.  Nothing is planted in this box or the one across the aisle from it yet.


Here is last year’s garlic at the front.  Behind them I planted beet seeds and behind them are the cauliflower (?) and behind them are the red onions.     Across from them way down at the other end are a few volunteer potatoes I left in and I still need to put carrots and other items in the rest of the row.


These are volunteer tomatoes and if you look very closely, you will see some of them already flowering.   I am afraid the flowering ones may be the tiny ones that are not fun to pick.   I’m fertilizing heavily hoping to get them to be bigger.   Then there is always the chance that they will lose these blossoms as they started in the greenhouse.  Maybe they will wait and get bigger first.


These are potatoes with straw already around them in the first photo and the second is more potatoes with onions in the back.     All potatoes this year were volunteer that we are letting grow where they are happy.   I should have purchased some to plant.    Maybe next year I’ll be more organized.   Then again I’m not taking bets on that.


P1010514 The beds are not difficult to keep weeded as I mulch quite a bit, but I’m trying to talk Bill into torching the hillsides before it gets warm enough to be a fire hazard.     I’m hoping that will help as the hill is too steep to stand and weed whack.

 Quilting will have to wait for a rainy day