Daily Archives: May 18, 2014



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Garden and a new block

It’s rather difficult to show you dirt and expect you to see what I’ve planted.    I did get red onion bulbs in which I hope do better than they usually do for me.    Then I planted what may be cauliflower (or broccoli)   I didn’t write it down and at this state the plants don’t look a lot different.   I planted a few of those I had started.  There are more to go in shortly.   Then beet seeds and garlic is at the end of that row.    So one side of one row finished.   And the rains started, which means I go inside.

In the greenhouse I tied up more tomatoes with a few more to go and planted these cute little celery starts which do very good here.

IMG_0237 celery starts

Too soon, it was time to put the animals in and make dinner.   I had enough time to cut these out for the next three blocks on the “Knitter’s Gifts” BOM

P1010489 socks cut out