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Gym, dogs, groceries and heat

I was off to the gym this morning and when I returned, it was to a mind exercise.   I had to trick the dogs into going into the upper pasture that is now secure so they would be with the sheep.   They’d so much rather be close to the house.    So I felt that I had exercised both the body and the brain.

Then it was time to read email and download the grocery freebie.   Our grocery store offers a free item every Friday.   It can only be downloaded on Friday.   Often it is something we don’t use, so I pick it up and it is always welcome in the food collection basket at the church.   Some of the items are things the grandchildren will enjoy – like the gummy bears.

By then it was  lunchtime.   So that accomplished, I went to the grocery store and bought some petunias for the front yard as well as the few groceries.   Petunias always look so happy.   I will try to get them planted Monday, because it is forecast to be in the 90s for Saturday and Sunday.   So I’ll leave them in the shade until I plant them.

Does heat encourage you to take a siesta?   We did and then it was time to feed animals again.  I am not complaining about the heat, but I do go just a bit slower.   The weather is certainly not typical as June is often a very rainy month.   These are August type days.  So I just keep watering and try to keep up with the most important things and my sewing/quilting has to take a back seat, just as the plants did during the winter.

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