Monthly Archives: October 2016



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Outdoor work before the freezing weather


This afternoon was great for catching up on some of the outdoor work.   We should have had a good freeze by now, but none is predicted before the 28th.   This may be one year, I’m not too far behind, then again, if it rains all those days……….     I planted a huge number of carrots as I just don’t get them to grow.  In fact, I planted them in 3 different places and you can see they are growing quite well.   Beyond the carrots DH is helping me get the garlic in the ground.   We weeded and put about half of it in (80 so far).  Then the rain started.


While he was putting the cloves in the ground, I started on the raspberry pruning.  The plants are crowded and need to be moved so we have wider aisles, so I’m just doing some preliminary pruning.



The raspberries are still producing, but we have tired of them and have enough in the freezer for this year.


As you can see, the monitoring crew was right there watching our every move. They are never far away as there might be a bug or berry or some other morsel drop from our hands.







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Cleaning the rental

It was a big work day, cleaning and sorting and making piles of more things to go elsewhere.img_5502aA large load to Goodwillimg_5503aand another so full it was difficult to see out the windows to the dump.  Thursday, we should finish except for the large furniture and the hazardous waste which is only open on Sundays.   Today, we opened a lot of outdated and open packages of food stuffs and put them together in large containers for the pigs of one neighbor’s friend.   They should be happy pigs!




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Table runner, other tasks, and plants

img_5501a The table runner is now ready to quilt.   I modified the pattern to fit my table by adding another design unit and the triangles on the ends.   For “batting” I used the Teflon fabric that is made for pot holders, so that when something hot is placed on it, the table will still be protected.  I don’t even trust myself not to forget.

img_5487aThen it was time to do some of those mundane tasks – like cleaning out the refrigerator.   These chores never take care of themselves.


And the garden is still producing, so I picked and cleaned  kale.   There are still more foods (beets, parsley, peppers, celery, etc.) to pick and though some will stay for the winter, some need to be taken care of – maybe tomorrow.  And to my surprise there are dozen of volunteer tomato plants 2-6″ high.  But the freeze will take care of them.

img_5492I brought the Meyers Lemon tree and the lime tree into the house as I’m not sure when the first freeze will be, but usually by mid October and we are there.  Since the lemon is blooming, I’m anticipating wonder fragrance from this little plant.  The little lime tree nearly died, but I see it is coming back.   I promise to take better care of it.   See all the parsley near the bottom.   Will that grow in the house throughout the winter?






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Gift Wrapped table runner continues


After all the media hype about the horrible storm we would be having last night, the power went out about 5 PM, and we were prepared, so immediately built a fire.   Alas, my son was so disappointed when an hour later the power was back on.   I was happy that the storm did not materialize as forecast.  We have one tree down.


These are squares and rectangles I worked on last week for the Gift Wrapped Table runner.


To continue making the rest of that block I needed to add a triangle across the top of a rectangle.  The easiest way to do that is to press the square in half


then sew across the diagonal with right sides together


I then went back and sewed about a foot’s distance away.


In this way, the little pieces that I cut off are all ready sewn together and in another project I can use those half square triangles.


So putting the pieces I made last time with these, created this piece.


I turned one upside down so all the yellow pieces formed a bow.  There are 12 of these with more blocks to make.  Keep tuned until this Gift Wrapped table runner becomes a reality.



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The big storm – wind, rain, fire and straw

  The big storm that was supposed to happen last night, didn’t occur, so, this morning,  we practiced for tonight’s big wind and rain storm by building a nice fire which we enjoyed.  Our flashlights are ready and we have plenty of supplies to keep us from starving.  And since I knit and DH crochets, we even have entertainment.

img_5481aAfter lunch, we went after straw.   It makes a huge difference in how easy or difficult the garden is to plant in the spring.   We use organic straw and the co-op has had a difficult time getting it this year.  The farmers are tilling it back into the soil for water retention.

img_5482aSince it was raining so hard, we just unloaded it and shoved it down the stairs.  On a better weather day, we can distribute it.

By the time I got a new bid on some work we need on the house, it was time to feed the animals and put them safely in for the night.

The Pacific Northwest weather report is for wind and rain.  We pray that  you have a safe and restful Sabbath.



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Storm warning

We are being threatened with a storm tonight and a major storm Saturday where we could lose power for 2-4 days.   I don’t think that will happen, but if I disappear, it will be because we don’t have internet.



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Surface clearing adventure

img_5468abEven after removing the spinning items, the surfaces in this room were still hidden.   Today, I decided, was the day to fix that.  Surfaces here are magnetic and it seems as fast as they get cleared, they attract something else.



As you know things get worse before they get better and they did indeed.   It was a good thing I had a chiropractic appointment about this time as I was feeling overwhelmed.


The appointment was an hour away, so we met up with Jen for a lunch at a vegan Thai place.   The only thing they have for lunch is a buffet.  I’d rather have simple food with out a lot of sauce, but the food was good.    Then it was the long drive back in heavy rain with very slow traffic.

img_5470aThis surface was cleared and the card table was eliminated.

img_5476aThis surface was nearly cleared, at least enough to put the spinning wheel and a few knitting supplies where I can easily use them.


And I moved the bookcase, which meant dumping everything out, sorting and putting it back in an orderly manner.  I tossed a few books, eliminated several catalogs.    I don’t know what happened, but it seems as if things multiplied as I was putting them away.  That could be because some of the books were on the table that I eliminated.   The bookcase is full once again.

Now I need to make up some of this wool and spin some more wool before I add anymore anything to this room.   All the sock yarn that was in here has been relocated to the closet.   And the very best thing is that I found the sheep registrations that have been missing for more than a year.










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This spinning area is perfect!

img_5458I really needed a spinning area as the fleece and spun fibers are creeping across too many surfaces and this closet hasn’t been used for much.


DH showed me how to put up the shelves that I purchased yesterday and can you believe, I lost no time in getting them up for the spinning area.   I still need to purchase a board for the right side so items don’t spill off the shelves, but I can do that soon.

img_5464aThey are already filled.   Doesn’t this make the most perfect spinning area for what I want at my fingertips?   Yes, there are many more fleeces, but they are not taking over my bedroom like these items were.  I am so pleased to get this done.   Thank you, Lisa, for the idea.   Now I need another closet like this for the knitting supplies that have no home.  And now that the table these were on is mostly cleaned off, I have room to spin again.

img_5457After exercise this morning, I picked, seeded and lay peppers on the dehydrator shelves.   My hands and nose are still burning tonight.  Perhaps I should have worn gloves and a mask.



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A table runner, flies, and shopping

img_5453aA table runner is the next project.  This one will take a bit more time because I’m doing it between several non-quilting chores.








I have it cut out and have a dozen of each of these sewn together.

The fruit flies were so horrific this morning after all the canning, etc. that I bombed part of the house.  I hate doing this, but I also hate those flies in everything.   How did our grandmothers manage this and they not only had fruit flies, they had horse and every other type of fly to deal with in the summer.   The directions tell you to leave the house for 4 hours.   So what should I do while not in the house, why go shopping, of course, and I did.


I have a 2 young citrus trees to bring in for the winter, so needed to keep them up off the floor.  These were half price, so they came home with us.


And I was so inspired by my daughter’s shelving this weekend, that I decided I needed some shelves to hold my spinning supplies and some of my knitting supplies.   So 4 of these shelves (36″) also came home with me.    Lowe’s had only 2 on the shelf, so I asked for more.  They had them in the inventory, but can you believe, it took over an hour for them to locate them – high next to the ceiling – and then to find the lift thing and someone to bring it over and go up in it to bring those shelves down.   And look what I found OCTOBER 12, while I was waiting!


So much of the Christmas supplies are out.    We haven’t even had Halloween yet!




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How to “waste” a good sunny day


To “waste” a good sunny day, I started by walking my steps.   After breakfast, I put the frozen bananas in bags and into the freezer and then finished peeling and freezing the rest of the bananas.   Yea!, now all 160# of bananas are frozen.

Then I went to the gym for an hour of activity.   Made lunch and went next door to put as much of the garage contents as possible into my car to take to Goodwill.   I raced off for a doctor’s appointment and when I got settled into a room, the doctor looked at my chart and said, “Your vitamin D is high, but right at the top limit, so we should wait to recheck it during the winter”   Then he said “why are you here?”   And I said, “that’s a very good question.   I’m here because your office called and set this appointment.”    So he decided I need a cholesterol count and fasting sugar count  just to keep things current.   I agreed to do that, but since it has to be on an empty stomach, I can choose to do it on a rainy day.

Now to “waste” more good sunny day,  I went to Goodwill to give them all these treasures, many of which were Christmas items.   They had a nice long line of cars there and by the time, my car was unloaded, I was in afternoon traffic.

The sheep and dogs are fed and put in their night quarters and maybe I can spend some time in the sewing room this evening  I’d like to  start a table runner.     Oh, and through all of this, I did reach my step goal for today, so perhaps it wasn’t a total “waste”.