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This spinning area is perfect!

img_5458I really needed a spinning area as the fleece and spun fibers are creeping across too many surfaces and this closet hasn’t been used for much.


DH showed me how to put up the shelves that I purchased yesterday and can you believe, I lost no time in getting them up for the spinning area.   I still need to purchase a board for the right side so items don’t spill off the shelves, but I can do that soon.

img_5464aThey are already filled.   Doesn’t this make the most perfect spinning area for what I want at my fingertips?   Yes, there are many more fleeces, but they are not taking over my bedroom like these items were.  I am so pleased to get this done.   Thank you, Lisa, for the idea.   Now I need another closet like this for the knitting supplies that have no home.  And now that the table these were on is mostly cleaned off, I have room to spin again.

img_5457After exercise this morning, I picked, seeded and lay peppers on the dehydrator shelves.   My hands and nose are still burning tonight.  Perhaps I should have worn gloves and a mask.

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