Daily Archives: January 27, 2015
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We got up this morning, pulled the sheets off the bed and did all the normal dusting etc one does on bed cleaning day and decided we needed a new mattress and box springs for our anniversary gift to ourselves. After breakfast we spent the rest of the morning looking and trying out bed sets. By noon, we had enough of that as we hadn’t decided even whether we wanted to continue with king size or go down to queen size since we don’t have children invading in the morning. Actually we didn’t have that problem last time we bought a bed set either. It has been a long time since they were that young.

So we wandered over to Panera’s and enjoyed lunch. Our decision was hampered by the fact that we have the frame and bedding for the king size, but we think we want a queen size. We decided to come home, made the bed up with the fresh sheets and will think about it for another month or however long it takes as there is no rush. Then we enjoyed a leisurely afternoon without doing much. Tomorrow is his birthday. We’ll see if we come up with anything exciting for that. But don’t count on it as we don’t usually do exciting.