Daily Archives: January 22, 2015




Starting a new pair of socks

FullSizeRender (4)Since I spent a good part of the day taking inventory of the seeds I have, and trying to decide how much we eat in a year so I know how many seeds to order, I gave myself the treat of starting another pair of socks.   They are self striping, so I think I’ll just go with the stockinette stitch and keep them handy for when I don’t have to think, such as when I’m a passenger in the car or have chatty company.

I love starting and finishing socks.   Sometimes I enjoy the knitting  between the beginning and end and sometimes I just do it unconsciously.   This color is “Puzzle” from the “Sock it to me” collection made for Elann.com   It is 25% nylon so will readily go through the washer and dryer.  Although it has the same number of yards in a skein as most of the other sock yarns I use, it feels lighter, so will make a great pair of summer socks.