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Class day 3 and home again

IMG_0466 Judith M teaching

Not only did Judith have an abundance of information to pass on to us, but her classes were an explosion of color.   And of course some came to live with me.    Right in the middle of this photos is one of the pieces that followed me – the ones that have green, yellow,  red, and purple.    These two pieces are supposed to turn into a pair of socks.   I brought home much more fiber and have a lot of homework to do!

After our last class, we toured a small cottage industry.   Barry and his wife, Linda, custom card for  clients.   They wash and dye it and then do the processing.

IMG_0488 picked fabric

  This is where the fluff is thrown after the picker attacks it

IMG_0476 carding machine

Then it goes through the carder

 IMG_0472 carding machine

You can see some of his assortment on the wall to the left of the carder.

And then it was home again.   It is so much easier to spin without one’s normal interruptions.

P1010972 thieves in raspberries

See the thieves in the raspberry patch?   Actually I didn’t have time to pick before I left so they came and picked.

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This is what I picked today.  About 2 cups of raspberries and at least that many tomatoes.   It’s really difficult to say how many when one is popping them in the mouth as they are picked.


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