Daily Archives: July 16, 2014



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Stars of Honor BOM

P1020016 fit for a hero

All the interior blocks are now finished and I’m guessing she will have us do the star  points and rectangles next time.    But I’m liking how it has gone together.     It will easily be finished by Thanksgiving which is the goal.

Again I took time to practice spinning, but can you tell me why is it when we have longer, sunnier days, it seems I get less done.   Oh, wait, it must be because my body thinks it’s vacation time.   And then again, perhaps it is because we went grocery shopping and to the chiropractor.   That does eat into time.  Or shall I blame it on this Fitbit that wants me to walk 10,000 steps daily.

And the bad news is that one of the neighbor’s house was broken into sometime between 8:30 and 2.   She has dogs and a locked gate.   I guess whoever could see the dogs are locked in the back yard.   Perhaps the most immediate neighbors didn’t notice any barking – that is if the dogs did bark.     That doesn’t make me feel  better.  I have big dogs, but they bark enough off and on at coyotes that I’m reasonably sure my neighbors on either side would not come running to see at what they were barking..