Daily Archives: July 15, 2014



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Stars of Honor July

It was an equipment failure day.   I just brought my quilting machine back from the local store that cleaned it.   When I turned it on, the computer didn’t work.   Not their problem, they didn’t work on the computer (even though the computer was attached while they had it)     So after talking to the repair man at the company, we removed the computer portions and sent it to him in Utah.     But all of the trying to get it to work, doing what they said etc., took us several hours.  We  will see what the repair man at headquarters thinks went wrong.

 P1020015 stars of honor JUly

This one little block is my accomplishment for today.  Tomorrow (hopefully) I will get the other three done to show you.

And I nearly forgot to send you to this site, which I think is marvelous with the videos and instructions.  http://thecrochetcrowd.com/stitch-cation/