Daily Archives: August 29, 2014



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Produce time

Picking produce was very high on my list today, so I picked tomatoes and canned 5 quarts

P1020157 tomatoes

The small ones were roasted for tomato sauce.

P1020158 tiny tomatoes

The green beans are waiting in the refrigerator until Sunday for their turn – except for the ones we had with lunch.  They were so tender and delicious..

P1020159 string beans

Can you see these small cantaloupes?   Oh, I do hope they will get big enough.   I didn’t really think they would grow, but planted them anyhow.

P1020160 cantaloupe

There were two quarts of raspberries that didn’t get their photo taken as they went straight into the freezer.     While turning over a bit of ground to plant garlic Sunday, I found that we had missed some of these red potatoes some of which were consumed at lunch.P1020161 red potatoes

Sunday will be another garden day, but weeding this time.