Have you ever run out of yarn when making socks? This is the first time for me. However since they are for me, and the end of this yarn is near the toes, I’ll look for something that goes with this yarn and have a unique pair. Who will be taking off my shoes to look, anyhow?
The bathroom saga goes on. Half days of work make a job seem to take forever. We are now at the point where the tub surround and front of the tub are done, except for the grout. Tomorrow he will start work on the rest of the room, which will go up 4′. The trouble with tile is one only gets to see one tile at the store. We picked out a very light tile with a tad of brown running through it. But when it came, there was a lot of brown, so the towels, bath rug etc, that we purchased will probably be returned and we will get white to brighten up the area. I will wait until he is finished (another 2 weeks?) to make that decision.
The upper photo is a more accurate color photo