Daily Archives: December 25, 2014
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It was dark last night, so these are not brilliantly lit. The first is the serving area and the second is the 180 degree window. Everything you see outside the window is water reflection.

We had a wonderful family evening last night and again today as well. Last night was all talk and eating. Today we went through photos that Jennifer had had put on a computer disc. A couple of years ago, I had entrusted all hard copies of photo to her for her to go through and make a CD for a each family member who wanted to enjoy the “old photos”
To my surprise she had it done and gave me a copy to download for my Christmas. (over 1400 photos) So at her house today, some of us enjoyed going through the photos as the she and her sister, Lisa, made annotations of who were in the photos and where the photo were taken. She had them in somewhat of chronological order. So what we viewed today were photos of me and siblings and Bill as children with our parents. It was very entertaining. Of course we will have to have many more sessions or I will have to learn how to do some of this on my computer so we can share.
I do hope that all of you had a very good day as well.