Daily Archives: May 10, 2016



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When your best isn’t good enough

Sometimes even when you do your best, it just isn’t good enough and that was today.   One of the baby sheep, managed to get through a fence and get her leg caught.   We found her in time and she will be okay, but we missed a cut she got from the wire.  It is infected and is now being treated.   It’s bad enough when it’s your own animals, but when you are caring for someone else’s livestock, it seems worse.    I hate these kinds of occurrences!

IMG_4526Lacey thought it was too warm today, so tried to swim in the small pool.  I didn’t bother to tell her that it will be warmer the rest of the week.  I think she’d be a bit happier in the pond.

The sewing machine didn’t cooperate either – so it went to the hospital.   Tomorrow will be better.