The fountain is once again working – for how long, we can only guess. But it’s fun while it works.
I don’t even know how many batches of pre plant fertilizer I mixed up today along with a batch of regular fertilizer. We’re using the Mittleider method, so we use a bag of regular fertilizer plus some minerals and Epsom salts which the plants need. I then applied this to about 30 small blueberry bushes, 10 grapes, some small plants, our front yard plants and
14 apple trees and 4 small nut trees.
Since I was poorly advised last fall that hay would work just like straw as a mulch, we are having to pull out the hay that wanted to take root. So pull it out we did, then added our fertilizers and planted a double 7 foot row of snow peas. I was going to put beets in as well, until I found I had no beet seed. Tomorrow is calling for rain, so I will work in the hoop house. I have that 4 x 32′ bed that needs to be moved and Rome wasn’t built in a day either.
However, coming past these beautiful blooming flowers as I enter the house refreshes my soul.