Daily Archives: March 25, 2015



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Experimental quilt


Today, I decided to see how it would go if I could sew and quilt the strips at one time.   Using left over heavy batting  I pieced it with a wide zigzag to make a section 44 x 54″.


Then I took some of my cut strips from days past that were the full width of the fabric.   If they weren’t, but there was more than one piece, I pieced them to get the width I wanted.


I laid out the backing and sprayed it.   Then put the batting on top of it and marked it so I’d have some type of guide. The first piece was put right side up on one edge and the second on top of that piece, but upside down.   Each piece had to be pressed before the next one was added.


I continued in that way until I had enough pieces to cover the batting.


Even with having marked the batting, I had trouble keeping straight rows.   I’m not sure how much the heavy batting had to do with that and how much was just me.


Now that the rows are together, I squared it up and it is ready for binding.   All finished in one day.   But I think I would rather spend a day sewing rows together for 2 or more quilts and then spend the time quilting them.  I think it would be faster and neater.     However, I do have another quilt nearly finished. at 42 x 51″.