


Quick cookies

Want some really quick cookies that aren’t overly sweet?   Take one banana and about 1 cup oats.   Mash the banana and start with half cup of oats.  Keep adding as you continue to mash.   I added a few raisins this morning.   If you add too many oats they will be crumbly.  Bake 15 min at 350F degrees.

A good share of the rest of the day was spent getting DH’s new hearing aids fitted.   Now if he wears them, I should not have to repeat things 6 times and he should enjoy being back in the world where he can hear what is going on around him.


4 Responses

  1. Donna says:

    I have hearing aids that I don’t like to wear. They don’t help me hear better; they just help me hear louder. So, the main issue I have with hearing isn’t helped by the hearing aids. My brain isn’t able to filter out background noises. So, those background noises are just louder with the hearing aids and still interfere with my ability to hear what people are saying.

  2. Sally Walter says:

    Thanks for the recipe! Keep us posted on the hearing aids! DH won’t wear his, either. One reason he gives, “My dad never found a pair he wore.” SIGH!

    • Sally Walter says:

      Somehow the comment I first typed was posted along with the edited version. Very strange!

  3. Sally Walter says:

    Thanks for the recipe! And please keep us posted on the hearing aids. DH won’t wear his, either. One reason he gives, “My dad never found a pair he wore.” SIGH!