Daily Archives: August 23, 2018



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Choosing ewe lambs to show at fair

Choosing ewe lambs for the fair can be interesting.  This little one thought she’d try to play dead.   When that didn’t work, she tried acting like she was in the rodeo,  all because we put a halter on her.  


It took awhile, but finally she settled down and we were able to look at the  of them and decide which 4 were the most alike.  In the next week, we will choose two ram lambs to enter with them.  Choosing and working with the lambs, took most of the morning.

This afternoon, I had a customer come who wanted to choose some fleeces.   Unfortunately, most of the best fleeces had been sold,  She selected some nice Cormo and a couple Shetland fleeces and took home enough to keep spinning all winter long.  I will think of her spinning that lovely wool, while we are out there supervising delivery of babies on those freezing cold, March days and nights.  And maybe I will envy her just a bit when I’m up through the middle of the night with a ewe and babies.