Today was a relaxed morning. I skipped gym and didn’t do my steps, however, we did deliver the sleeping bags to the church, went to the grocery store, and relaxed a bit before noon.
I tried something new today, which was using fleece on the back of this quilt. It is very cuddly which I’m hoping makes up for the “issues” I had. It quilted beautifully, but I must have stretched the fleece, so it doesn’t lie flat. Another factor was that I wanted to do it freehand which is not something I’m good at. I like how that part turned out, but it distracted me to the point that I didn’t keep all the quilt tension bars at the proper tension. So this also affected the overall look. I’m going to put it through a wash and see if that relaxes it more together. I am pleased with most of it and I think the soft cuddly”ness” of it will override the beginner look. I’m always learning, but I also see where I’ve made progress.
That quilt looks great to me! I’m glad that you added the other animals in the white squares – they add a bit more colour and the quilt would have been too white without them.
I have a piece of fleece for a backing too, but I have to quilt it on my sewing machine, so I’m not in a big hurry to try it just yet!