Donation quilts:
I finally put together a pile of quilts for those with fewer resources than we have and took them to the church. It’s cold out there. The secretary said they have men sleeping in the doorways at night now. I need to make some simple, but warm quilts as she said at this point, anything helps them.
Then it was lunch time. I like a simple tostada with a shell, beans, and lettuce, and of course guacamole throughout. I found that if I order it as a side, I get a bit more.
Remember the fencing, I spent an hour repairing yesterday with baling wire? Since the sheep have nothing better to do than to eat and then figure out how to dismantle things, they achieved the dismantle by pushing the 2 x 4s down. So today I dragged a cattle panel to the pen. It completely fit that area, so we tied it up and hope that it will last until Sunday and we can get it put up more securely. But one never really knows. These sheep are small as they are Shetlands, but they are mighty when they decide they want to be somewhere else.
That was enough fun for this crazy day. So I spent some time knitting a new pair of socks. These are on a size 3 needle and 100% wool, so I will add nylon to the heel and toes to reinforce those areas. I put the socks on hold that were needing more attention. These are going fast because I don’t have to think much and it is a larger yarn. As you can see from my note on the page, I’m only working on 48 stitches. Maybe, I’ll get these done before the month is over and can go back and work on January’s socks.
Hang on tight and enjoy life’s crazy roller coaster ride.