Today I made good progress on “Bronwynn’s Mock Cable Socks”. I printed this pattern off the internet in 2005 and the site no longer is working. They were very easy to knit and the heel turn did not take much thinking.
I used this yarn which I purchased in Australia about 10 years ago. So both socks and yarn have had time to age. However, this is 100% wool yarn which is not as good for socks as if it has some nylon in it. Because this is a heavier yarn, I used #3 needles with 48 stitches.
This is made by several companies specifically to strengthen heels and toes. I used this darker color as it was what I had on hand. So if you look at the heel on these socks, you will see that I carried this yarn along for strength. Mending is not my favorite option and the bit of color difference won’t matter, since they are either worn at home or with shoes.