Daily Archives: September 15, 2016



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Zucchini is done!


img_5290Since tomorrow is the day to post our knitting this week, it is time to show that some progress has been made.  These were started mid August, so my goal will be to finish them by the end of September.   Since I’m on the foot, I should be able to achieve that (pending interruptions in the schedule)

This is what I wrote yesterday.   “So tomorrow’s goals are to finish weeding the hoop house, make bread, pick apples, and finish the quilt and to make applesauce” .  So who thinks that actually happened?       Instead, this is what happened.


img_5284The olive bread and rolls were made and another sponge is started.   The apples, hoop house and quilt were untouched.   They go on tomorrow’s list.

img_5287Instead, today the 9 huge zucchini called to me, and I made 18 cups of relish,

img_528830 patties from a recipe my sister sent me.   Most of these are going into the freezer.  There is a large kettle of grated zucchini in the refrigerator that I will cook into soup for the weekend and 16 cups of grated zucchini is now in the freezer.   There are only 2 very small zucchini left and they will go into a salad.  There will be no more zucchini this year as I pulled the plants.

img_5283These peppers

img_5280and these carrots, along with some previously picked onions were part of today’s ingredients.   I did can 7 pints of applesauce out of previously picked apples.

img_5289This was a lovely small sugar pumpkin until the chickens found it.   They also enjoy doing this to carrots and beets.   So we just plant enough for both of us.

 Tonight I get to crawl into nice clean sheets to dream about the new adventures awaiting me tomorrow.

Then we picked corn, green beans, beets, and carrots with which to play tomorrow.  And we must not forget to pick the apples before the raccoons and deer get to them.