After breakfast and feeding the sourdough culture, the gym was first on our list today. On our way home, we received a call to come look over some house papers.

Then it was time to make our first sourdough bread as the culture was ready. As I was finished kneading it, the hay arrived along with Juliette (sheep) and her 2 lambs. Photos will be tomorrow, because when I get busy, I forget the camera.
Lunch was a stir fry as the rice was cooked and the refrigerator is full of vegetables.
Dessert was thawed strawberries over zucchini bread. We often eat seasonally.

Then it was off to the bank and the grocery store. I needed olives to make olive bread. As we were leaving, we received another phone call about more papers, only these had to read to be signed. So we picked those up on the way out, went to the bank, where the machine ate some of our deposit,(bank official is taking care of that), then off to the grocery store for olives. Above is the bread, which the directions tell me to rise overnight in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature in the morning before baking.
We signed the papers and returned them on the way home. Now the title search should be set in motion. I love these full days, but I feel like I’m watching life whiz by.