Daily Archives: September 4, 2016



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Harvest Sept 4

IMG_5200I just love the bright orange among the green leaves in the garden.


And there are about a dozen of these pumpkins.


I was a bit late with many of the cucumbers that were supposed to be pickled, so we will just eat them as cucumbers.   I was, however, able to get 3 quarts of pickles.   That is a Delicata squash to the left and they are just ripening.   This is a very mild tasting squash.


Oh, and we haven’t run out of zucchini yet, though with as many in the refrigerator as there are, I only left one plant in the garden.

IMG_5209We were also able to harvest 15 ears of corn today.   I’m trying something new.   I put 8 in the freezer still in their little jackets.   I hope this will keep them until we get around to eating them.   The ones we did eat were excellent.


And these green beans are now cleaned and ready for tomorrow’s lunch.

The grapes are ready yet, but there is an abundance of grape leaves.   Do any of you have a vegan Dolma recipe that doesn’t use oil?

After all that, I did sit down and knit a bit on the socks.  The hoop house has had more weeding done and is watered and now it is time to feed sheep and then relax.