Daily Archives: March 23, 2016



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Microwave bowl cozy

Our first microwave bowl holder is holding up well, but can only service one person at a time.    So it was time to make another holder.

IMG_4279Using the free pattern by “aquiltedpassion“, I cut two 10” squares from my cotton fabric (or for reversible, use 2 different pieces) and 2 pieces of cotton batting  a bit smaller.   This must be the Warm and Natural batting made for microwave use.   JoAnn’s carries it as do other stores.  Also use cotton thread as you do NOT want a microwave fire.


Then sew the 4 darts in each piece and trim to 1/4″


Trim corners and snip at the darts to help turn  Place the two bowls right side together and sew leaving a 3″ opening to turn.

IMG_4287Next topstitch around which also closes the opening through which you turned this.


And you have a fast and easy cozy for you bowl, which you can put into the microwave to hold your bowl while heating and then take to the table to eat the food.   They also make wonderful gifts.  They sell for 7.95 up on Ebay or Etsy.

Here is a video if that makes it easier for you to follow.