


Summer socks #1 finished



This pair of socks has only a band before starting the heel.   So it was faster to knit.  I used Elan’s “Sock it to me” collection in Puzzle as it is a lighter weight.   It took one ball of yarn, knit from the top down.

Hooking up with Judy at Patchwork Times

4 Responses

  1. Ramona says:

    I love these! And you only knit the band before starting the heel. That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    • sharon says:

      Thank you – I love them as well because they just fit inside my sport shoe – nice and cool. I wear a size 8 shoe and can get a pair out of one skein of yarn. However, more often I use the two skeins and just make two pair as I like working both socks at the same time, but I do not like working from the inside and the outside of the skein.

  2. Shirley says:

    Good Afternoon, Judy!

    I have been looking for a pattern like this. Is there a way for me to get this one?

    Fall is coming soon and I have a bunch of little feet that could use these…and mine too!!

    Thanks if you can help!!

    • sharon says:

      Have you ever knit socks. If you know how to make a full pair, use a plain pattern, do about an inch of ribbing and go straight to the heel. I just leave out the leg part. Does that help.