In more ways than one we circle.
I spend those little waiting minutes spinning – still working on the dog hair.
I have made some progress, but still more spool to fill.
The other spinning area was spinning car wheels. We started out with a scheduled doctor visit, then to the sewing center, then to AT&T to find out if they could get my Fitbit to work again. No, but they had an idea we could try at home. Meanwhile, they had them on sale for $20. off until Mother’s day and we had 14 days to return, if the other idea worked. Ok, we went for that idea. Then off to Costco for a few groceries. As we walked in their door, they had a better deal on the Fitbit and longer to return it if we could make the first one work, so we bought one there. After Costco, we returned the one to AT&T, gassed up the car and went home, just afraid one of the sheep had lambed and might need help. No, but we are still watching that “pot”.
So we had lunch* and headed back out to the grocery store and to get a few more tomato plants that someone recommended. They also had alyssum, so must have some of that to put in front of house that is half weeded. Home again, I collapsed on the bed for a bit of a nap. Today was one of those days that I woke up at 3.30, so told myself I deserved a rest. Afterwards. I went back out and finished the tomato bed in the hoop house. Tomorrow morning, the plan is to plant the tomatoes.
Please tell me this sounds like some of your days? If so, know you are not alone. We can certainly empathize. Oh, and after we came home the last time, the dentist called and said they had a cancellation for teeth cleaning tomorrow afternoon. Could I take that slot. And that is why the tomatoes have to go into the ground in the morning.
* Quickie bean soup. Because I guess on a lot of ingredients, these aren’t exact. Also I cook my beans and then can them, which make them very soft, but you could achieve the same thing by cooking until really done. I opened a pint of red beans (could be another type), into the blender with a pint of hot water, some Brewer’s yeast, chicken-like seasoning, garlic and onion powder and salt. Using a high-speed blender, I blended them for about 2 minutes. Meanwhile I opened another jar and heated the contents one minute in the microwave. I put 2 tablespoons of beans in each bowl of soup. It was so very good and it was fast. I had salad ingredients prepped and so lunch was on the table in 5 minutes.